Como algunos sabréis, a finales del mes de Noviembre realice un sorteo llamado “HOY ES TU DIA”, en el que sorteaba un catering sencillo con decoración personalizada, pues bien, la afortunada fue una diseñadora de trajes de flamenca a la que admiro desde hace tiempo, ni más ni menos que Laura Torres de Laurameponeflamenca
Con ella lo tuve muy fácil, porque es un sol de niña, me puse en contacto con ella para ver fechas, lugares y personas, y resultó que su cumpleaños estaba cerca, así que coser y cantar.
Una semana para concretar cosas y otra para imaginar la “sweet table” que le iba a preparar.
Tenía una idea fija en mente: lunares.
Como a ella no la conocía personalmente, sólo de conversaciones virtuales, no podía saber sus gustos más íntimos, así que me inspiré en la imagen que yo tenía de ella y su trabajo, “UNA FLAMENCA MODERNA”.
Y manos a la obra, búsqueda de tela para el mantel, papel de seda para los pompones, palillos para los cartelitos, attrezzo para la decoración, las gafas de una flamenca moderna,…
Para todo ello conté con la ayuda de mi amiga Marti, que se presta a todo y me apoya en lo que necesite, una amistad que conservo desde el parvulario y que conservaré hasta la residencia de ancianos.
Otra cosa fue la preparación de la tarta.
Yo soy una lectora empedernida de blogs de repostería, decoración, fiestas y demás, y siempre había visto que decoraban las tartas y los cupcakes con una crema de mantequilla batida, y ahí fui yo, directa a hacer “buttercream” sin batidora de varillas eléctrica, sola ante un bol de mantequilla y azúcar glass, equipada con una varilla manual de los señores chinos (que a mitad de estar batiendo, se rompió), con las manos teñidas de colorante alimenticio, pero aún así la tarta salió bien, y según los comentarios, estaba buena.
As some may know, in late November I made a drawing called "TODAY IS YOUR DAY", in which i draw lots for a simple catering with customized decoration, well, the lucky one was a flamenco dress designer I admire since long time , neither more nor less than Laura Torres from Laurameponeflamenca
With her I had it easy, because it's a great girl, I got in touch with her for dates, places and people, and it turned out that her birthday was close, so easy peasy.
A week to finalize things and another to imagine the "sweet table" that I was going to prepare for her and her friends
I had a fixed idea in mind: POLKA DOTS
As she didn´t know her personally, only virtual conversations, I couldn´t know their most intimate tastes, so I was inspired by the image I had of her and her work, "A modern Flamenco´s girl."
And start to work, searching fabric for the tablecloth, tissue paper pompoms, wood sticks to the little signs, glases and dishes for decoration, the sunglasses of modern flamenca, ...
For everything I had the help of my friend Marti, who help me out with everything and supports me in whatever I need, a friend since preschool that I want to keep until we grow old and gray.
Another thing was the preparation of the cake.
I am a crazy reader of blogs of baking, decorating, parties and others, and i always see that they decorate cakes and cupcakes with butter cream, and there I went, heading to the kitchen to make "butter cream" without electric blender, alone with a bowl of butter and powdered sugar, equipped with a manual blender from a Chinese store (which when i was half beating the cream, it broke), with dye stained hands, but the cake still turned out well, and by the way they spoke, it was tasty.
With her I had it easy, because it's a great girl, I got in touch with her for dates, places and people, and it turned out that her birthday was close, so easy peasy.
A week to finalize things and another to imagine the "sweet table" that I was going to prepare for her and her friends
I had a fixed idea in mind: POLKA DOTS
As she didn´t know her personally, only virtual conversations, I couldn´t know their most intimate tastes, so I was inspired by the image I had of her and her work, "A modern Flamenco´s girl."
And start to work, searching fabric for the tablecloth, tissue paper pompoms, wood sticks to the little signs, glases and dishes for decoration, the sunglasses of modern flamenca, ...
For everything I had the help of my friend Marti, who help me out with everything and supports me in whatever I need, a friend since preschool that I want to keep until we grow old and gray.
Another thing was the preparation of the cake.
I am a crazy reader of blogs of baking, decorating, parties and others, and i always see that they decorate cakes and cupcakes with butter cream, and there I went, heading to the kitchen to make "butter cream" without electric blender, alone with a bowl of butter and powdered sugar, equipped with a manual blender from a Chinese store (which when i was half beating the cream, it broke), with dye stained hands, but the cake still turned out well, and by the way they spoke, it was tasty.
Y llegó el domingo por la tarde, le pedí a mi primo Paco (el bioquímico de la familia) que me acercara al Ambigú (el pobre que está agobiado con el proyecto de fin de master, leyendo textos científicos en inglés), pero como es tan bueno y yo tan pesada, me llevó.
Me llevó y me dejó, sola ante el peligro.
El Ambigú lleno hasta la bandera, dentro y fuera, y yo en las mesas de arriba (en alto para que se me viera mejor), colocando todas las cosas. Poco a poco, me iban subiendo los colores, me sentía observada por todas partes, hasta que me mimeticé con la pared del fondo (yo que soy tan blanca y con tendencia al enrojecimiento), muerta de vergüenza y pensando en cosas como “me voy a caer”, “como se me caiga algo, verás”, “y si ahora no aparece nadie”,…
Hasta que llegó Marti a darme apoyo moral y a decirme que todo estaba quedando genial, que no me preocupara más.
Ya en la puerta, tomando el aire, vi llegar a Laura y a su hermana.
Que si en las fotografías Laura es impresionante, en persona más, que yo me sentía orgullosa de mi 1´65 de estatura hasta que me puse al lado de ella (parecíamos el punto y la –i-), que rubia, que alta, que guapa… pero lo mejor es que es igual de bella por dentro y por fuera.
Sunday afternoon, I asked my cousin Paco ( family´s biochemist) that if he could drive me to the Ambigú (the poor one who are overwhelmed with the master, reading scientific texts in English), but he´s such a good boy.
He took me and left me alone to danger.
The Ambigú packed to the rafters, inside and out, and me, in the tables which are in high (up, to be seen), putting all things. Little by little, I was turning into a red bulb, blending myself with the red back wall behind me (I'm so white and with a tendency to redness), died of shame and thinking things like "I'm going to fall, "I´m going to drop something, you'll see "," and if no one shows up, "...
Until she came to give me moral support and tell me that everything was running great, not to worry more.
At the door, taking the air, I saw Laura and her sister.
Laura is breathtaking in pictures, but in person,is way better, that I was proud of my height 1'65 until I stand next to her, that blonde, tall, that pretty ... but the best is that she´s beautiful inside and out.
He took me and left me alone to danger.
The Ambigú packed to the rafters, inside and out, and me, in the tables which are in high (up, to be seen), putting all things. Little by little, I was turning into a red bulb, blending myself with the red back wall behind me (I'm so white and with a tendency to redness), died of shame and thinking things like "I'm going to fall, "I´m going to drop something, you'll see "," and if no one shows up, "...
Until she came to give me moral support and tell me that everything was running great, not to worry more.
At the door, taking the air, I saw Laura and her sister.
Laura is breathtaking in pictures, but in person,is way better, that I was proud of my height 1'65 until I stand next to her, that blonde, tall, that pretty ... but the best is that she´s beautiful inside and out.
Después de las presentaciones de rigor y los agradecimientos varios, me hizo un regalito (que no tenía porque) un collar muy original con un colgante de búho (como no), que me encantó.
Resumiendo que es gerundio, la “sweet table” flamenca fue un éxito (o eso me pareció a mi), conocí gente estupenda (Laura y sus amigos), pasé un buen rato y se me reconoció mi trabajo, que es lo más importante.
Ojalá que esto sea el comienzo de una larga carrera profesional y que me pueda dedicar plenamente a la organización de eventos, ya sean fiestas infantiles o mesas dulces para adultos.
After introductions and several thanks you, she gave me a present (which she didn´t have to) a very original necklace with a pendant of an owl which I loved.
In short , the "flamenco´s sweet table" was a success (or so it seemed to me), I met great people (Laura and her friends), I spent a great time and my work was recognized, which is most important.
Hopefully this is the beginning of a long career and I can focus on the organization of events, whether children's parties or sweet tables for adults.
Thank you!
In short , the "flamenco´s sweet table" was a success (or so it seemed to me), I met great people (Laura and her friends), I spent a great time and my work was recognized, which is most important.
Hopefully this is the beginning of a long career and I can focus on the organization of events, whether children's parties or sweet tables for adults.
Thank you!
Por cierto, a partir del día 19 de Diciembre a las 17.00 y durante dos semanas, va a estar abierta una carpa para los mas pequeños en la Plaza Mayor de El Ejido, con distintas actividades (manualidades, animación, cuentacuentos, etc.) a beneficio de la Asociación Comarcal de Discapacitados Murgis. Yo voy a tener un taller de decoración de cupcakes (o como yo los llamo “magdalenas modernas”)
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh que entrada más bonita!!!!
ResponderEliminardeseo y espero que se cumplan todos tus propósitos! y pronto! nunca dejes que nadie apague tu ilusión, sé persistente y siempre con la cabeza muy alta, que no te dé vergüenza de nada... porque haces cosas muy bonitas!
mil besos eli. ya sabes que estamos aquí para lo que necesites.
Menudo currazo que te has dado, te lo dije ya pero te lo repito, ha quedado genial :P me encanta y aunque me gusta todo esto de las organizaciones de eventos y fiestas no creo que hubiera logrado conseguir esa magnifica mesa flamenca!!!
ResponderEliminarBesos!!! Mucha suerte y a por mas "sweet tables"!